Preheat oven to 200 F (to maintain quesadillas warm while cooking batches).
At a bowl (I used non stick) on moderate heat add olive-oil).
Once shimmering, add ground-beef, chili-powder, cumin, oregano, cayenne, garlic-powder, onion-powder, pepper & salt. Heat till cooked through, breaking into crumbles using a wooden-spoon, approximately 8-10minutes. Stir in tomato paste and then cook 1-2minutes longer.
Remove beef from pan into a bowl. When there's any surplus grease drain/remove.
Distribute approximately 8oz (or 2cups) of cheese one of all tortillas (on a single side of these).
Note: reserve remaining 4oz (or cup of cheese).
Also, if your own tortillas are larger than the dimensions that I used, the amount you return will change. Distribute ground-beef in addition to cheese. After that, sprinkle remaining 1cup (or 4 oz) of cheese in addition to ground-beef. Fold tortilla over thus you've got a half moon shape.
Working in batches (approximately 2 quesadillas per-batch), spray cooking spray pan & cook quesadillas (on medium low-heat) for approximately 2minutes each side until golden-brown & cheese melted (attentively turning and observing to make certain they do not burn). While ongoing batches, put cooked quesadillas onto a baking sheet in preheated oven to stay warm.
Cut every half moon . Serve with salsa, guacamole or sour crean and then Enjoy!